Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 1 Questions Que.1) What is MS- Excel? Explain its features? Que.2) What is clipboard? Explain it & Explain (cut copy paste and Format painter) Que.3) Define the following terms 1. Wrap Text 2. Merge Centre 3. Conditional Formatting.. Que.4) Define the following terms 1 Auto Sum, 2. AutoFill 3. Clear Formatting, 4. Find/Replace Que.5) What is difference between Sort & Filter in Ms Excel. Unit 2 Questions Que.1) What is the use of Pivot Table in Excel ? What is advantage of it? Que.2) Define the following term? 1) Chart 2. Hyperlink 3. Header & Footer Chart: Que.3) What is difference between Header & footer? Que.4) Define the following terms: 1) Word Art 2) Object Que.5) Define the following options 1. Page Orientation 2. Print Area Orientation: Unit 3 Questions Que.1) Explain the following formula with examples 1. Sum (2). Average (3). Min (4). Max (5). Count (6). Counta " Que.2) What is difference between Filter & Advance Filter? Que.3) Define the following options---------- 1.Text to column 2. Data validation 3. Consolidate 4. Scenario Manager Que.4) How many views in Ms Excel? Que.5) Define the following options: 1. Spelling & Grammar 2. Thesaurus 3. Track Change 4. Freeze Pane 5. Marcos. Unit 4 Questions Que.1) What is Goal Seek? Give example? Que.2) Write step to hide and split columns in Excel? Que.3) How To Insert A Bulleted list?